Fuel Pro

Over 10K downloads

Fuelpro aim become the best car expenses tracker apps on the market

Fuel pro is the best app to track your fuel consumption

What is Fuelpro!

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Fuelpro is a mobile application that helps you to track your vehicle expenses and fuel consumption. With Fuelpro, you can easily manage the expenses of your vehicle.

not only for tracking expenses, fuelpro also provides a smart analytic feature that can help you to understand your vehicle fuel consumption and expenses.

tracking your vehicle is important, only in this way, you can understand your vehicle condition** and how much money you spend for your vehicle.


  • Track your vehicle expenses Easy to track your vehicle fuel consumption and vehicle expenses.

  • Smart analytic feature Built-in smart analytic feature that can help you understand your vehicle fuel consumption and expenses.

  • Reminder Fuelpro will remind you when your vehicle needs maintenance or when you need to change your vehicle oil. at a certain mileage.

  • Fuel Calculator Fuelpro provides a fuel calculator that can help you to calculate your vehicle fuel consumption. and measure distance cost.

  • Easy to use and user-friendly Fuelpro is designed to be user-friendly and easy to use for everyone, including beginner users.

  • Multi-Currency Support** Now you can track your vehicle expenses and fuel consumption with multi-currency support. Currently supports USD, SGD, IDR, and MYR.

  • Customizable Unit You can customize your unit, whether you want to use KM or Mile, metric or imperial.

  • Backup and Restore Automatically backup your data to the cloud and restore it to another device.

more features will be added soon, stay tuned and keep using Fuelpro to track your vehicle expenses and fuel consumption.